Friday, June 20, 2008
Greetings this morning at Test Eight...
............................................I'm going to quickly get a picture of the test up for you...more to come as soon as possible. We've had a number of logistics problems this morning with regard to where the running line is and where we actually have a broadband signal where I can transmit out.
Here is the eighth test, a water triple that is taking thus far an average of about eleven minutes a dog. That average could change.
The birds are all ducks and the test has two retired guns initially...If you look closely in this picture deep behind the flyer guns you will see the longest station. The right-hand station is more visible in the photo. Also, the flyer duck is sluiced, as all water flyers have been thus far in this National; once this bird is retrieved, the flyer station retires inside the bushes you can see just deep of where they are standing.